Thursday, October 25, 2007

# 7 Blog about technology

My start with technology in Libraries was at Eastern Regional Libraries using the "Reverse Brown Card System", mastering the soothing rhythm of needle-sorting and correctly lining-up the overdue notices in the typewriter. There was also the delight of the multi-volume "Book catalogues."

The next technological experience was the 'token system' and the very radical "photocharging" at Nunawading Library!

And who could forget the ever inkless date-due stamps and the introduction of cash registers (no more tearing off the tickets!)? The card laminating machines were also a great innovation except when they overheated!.

Finally I was introduced to computerised systems - Libs100, Bookplus and Spydus to name just a few. From then on it has progressed in leaps and bounds. I can still remember e-mail being introduced at Camberwell City Libraries and the dilemma I faced at no longer needing to talk to fellow staff directly (hasn't my attitude changed!) Now I have the delight of the recently introduced multi functional colour copiers etc etc at WHMRLC - what bliss!

Technology has certainly changed the library world
- can I keep up!?!?!?!?!?

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